Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Orleans

Ok, pietro has already written a quick recap on everything that we have done since our last blog... ages ago, but i asked him to leave out new orleans coz I want to enspire you all to go there with my extremely heart felt report!!! so here goes:
We got on the bus in Chicago (the day before a major Ice blizzard) and it was about 26 american degrees and wind (we translate that as, "at least two pairs of trousers and 3 jumpers and you will still be bloody freezing!!!") and after 26 hours of bus we arrive at new orleans... we stepped off the bus (that had the air conditioner on so it fellt like we were still in chicago... thank you mr driver) into the sweet smell of fruit and sea mixed together in a hot and slightly damp air!!!!!! 
it was one of the most beautiful feelings I have ever had, and so unexpected in the middle of winter!!! 
Ok, so we called this guy John, who we had
 talked to the day before and was going to l
et us stay on his couch, after a while we got to his street and saw this...
we laughed and kept going... only realising after a few houses that we had passed the number that john had given us... "oh no!!!! our house is the weird one... oh well, beggers cant be chosers huh!!! so we go inside and meet john, a really great guy!!!! 
he takes us to the nearest restaurant coz we were hungry, were we meet jessica, his roomate, that later tells us that she was outside smoking when she saw these two people with huge backpacks walk down her road and thought (without john having mentioned anything to her) "im sure those are going to my house!!!!!" 
so anyway, we were staying with john and jessica, these two amazing people, and their other guest Craig (also amazing) for about one week. John, Im sorry to say was a bit sick for most of the time, so he stayed on the floor, but he also made us watch this really cool documentary about conspiracy theories (he's a bit of a fan really) called "zeitgeist" check it out on the net, its cool!!! Im convinced!!!!
Jessica took us out in her every free minute (she was very busy, finishing school and working two different jobs). I was even able to drink in the bars there, so we had lots of fun and met lots of really cool people, that were all thinking about ways to help new orleans, from an environmental approach.
Jessica also told us about this new wonder drug that is currently being pushed in america by teachers... Attarole... it is like ritalin, that is, like cocaine, but it is for students who have a lot to study, and so, to be able to study eough they have to take this drug that makes it fun to learn (it makes anything that is usually boring, like tidying up your room, or organising your stamps, interesting and fun) also make
s you unable to sleep and after it wore off (after about 8 hours) you fellt like shit, like a low, and ormally you would take another one to make you feel better. What it does is that it makes your brain release endorphins, but it makes you release more than you
 usually do, so after you have taken atterole you will never be as happy as you where while you were on the drug. She studies neorology, so she told us what the drug does, but she says that to keep up with studies all american students take atterole, and so the teachers increase the amount of study even more, so that if you dont take it you will have no chance!!!!!! and you dont feel so good when you dont take it!!!!

Anyway, we saw loads of amazing things in new orleans, craig was with us a lot of the time, , a guy who is travelling around america using craigs list, really great, he also playes a really small guitar, while walking around.
Im getting lost, pietro is watching futurama behind me, and I can see it in the mirror, so I keep getting distracted... ok, the beautiful things in new orleans are:
everyone is really friendly, i say this is because of after Katerina they realise that they only have each other to count on... that is a nice feeling!! Also you can be as weird as you want, and dress in the strangest ways, that is just cool, but its not like iceland where you have to be cool , the thing is that so many people lost everything in the hurricane that to live in a nearly destroyed house is lucky and no one gives a fuck about what you look like. we whent to the 9th ward (where the levvy broke and everthing was flooded) and there was nothing there, only the foundations of the houses... it was scary.
Also after Katerina people there realised that nature rules, and you can see it everywhere, the tree's are huge and their rootes brake up the pavement, but o one cares, they just build around the tree's, its so nice to see.
The french quarter was not affected by the storm, and it is amazing. After seeing the north east part of america, where all the cities have the same shops, and the same restaurants and caffes and even the
 same names on the streets it was refreshing to see all the small and originaly art galleries and cult shops around... there was also a shop called Neophobia, Dora, you would have likes it a lot, it was a cheap vintage shop, but with furniture and stuff!!!!!
Well, its time to say goodnight, pietro is falling asleep, and im gettinf tired too, we will try to write again soon, merry christmas to you all, and happy new year (we will be celebrating in the mountains of california, in the middle of nowhere.


Daily sketch

Christmas in Santa Fe: 
Apparently that's one of the most touristic cities in the US, it's really nice and with old houses mexican style, no skyscrapers and things like that, but still rrreally touristic. That's why we ended up having our christmas eve dinner in our motel room with sushi bought in the only open dept store. By the way, we even bought each other christmas presents there, simultaneously.

(Day after: crawl under our huge backpacks to the bus station, swear we're going to give up that vice for the new year: 15 hrs bus ride to Las Vegas, planning to rent a car.)

Las Vegas:
Arrival at 6 am, backpack crawl to the hotel: it's 8pm, check in time at...4pm, doh! we start the NoSleepCasinoCrawl. The typical noise inside each (may it be the one roman style, the one medieval style or the circus like) is biribirubirubiribiribirubirubiru-etc. coming from the slot machines.

The Day We Rented A Car:
Managed to convince that woman to give us one, even if we're 20 with credit card+22 without. Asked for the Compact one (here cars are huge, a compact one is like a big italian car), we got for the same price a BIG one ("oh yes, we made a mistake"). I almost started to cry when they told me I actually had to drive that thing. Well, at least we can spread the content of our backpacks all over and at the same time keep breathing.

The Grand Canyon
We arrived there late and it was closed. You would ask: "closed? the grand canyon? isn't it like an enormous hole in the ground that goes for hundred and hundred of miles??" We did ask the same, but the guy only said "Eh no, no possible way to go see it until tomorrow morning". We had by then diven 1 hour in the sterrato just as like rally videogame (the woman of the rental car said:"you can go see the grand canyon, but you have to take a bus because the road is bad and you cant go with our car" but the last bus already left so...). We had to drive that back without canyon.

The "we will get a cheaper room outside las vegas"
Parhump Nevada, next town outside las vegas (1 hour drive in the desert). Turned out to only have  3 hotels/casinos. The cheapest...wasn't cheap. Slept in the car. It's nice if you wake every 2 hours to turn on the heating for a while and then go back to sleep. The supermarket had clean toilets anyway.

That was last night. Today we went to the Let's Have A Bath In These Hot Springs There On The Map (20 dollars to bath in a tub in a room), then through the Death Valley (wunderbar! but no photo could capture it's wunderbarness...) with this australian 50 years old "I drive trucks with seven rimorchi through australia"-"I saw the AC/DC 6 times live" hitch hiker that when you tell him "good luck" answers "there's no luck, it's god".

Today's learned lesson: "Please don't throw cigarette butts in the urinal, the fingers that pick them up are the same that put ice cubes in your drink"

These were the important things of last days. The rest we will tell you when we come back.

By the way, I don't know if it's known, but on the map  we always write with maniac care where we stay every night, sometimes with witty comments too (simpaticaticate).  And by clicking and clicking and searching on the counter below you also can see from where were the visitors of the blog. December is Italy 43%, USA 23% Iceland 21%. The country that wins the december contest wins free access to all the giochi senza frontiere games in 2008, so guys don't give up!

Basta minchiate via, l'yv mi si sta addormentando alla televisione, e non è mai troppo sano guardare per troppo tempo di fila la tv americana...tra un griffin e un futurama si ostinano a infilarci sempre qualche speciale sui ricercati dalla polizia e cose simili...
Baci a tutti, scusate la qualità dei post ma se ci si mette a pensare tutto quello che vi si vuole raccontare si va in blocco mentale...
buoni festeggianzi e miglior principio
Peter g

Saturday, December 22, 2007

We are alive

-New Orleans was wonderful, that's why we never updated the blog here. We met lovely people, and loved the city itself. It's called The Big Easy, and it was so different from the other cities. And by the way the weather was great, 25°C... They say pictures steal the soul, well we took so many pics around the city that we definitely stole a big share of its soul. We're gonna return it on this blog as soon as we've time.
-We are now in Austin, Texas, which isn't as texan as we were expecting. No oil, no cows, no ranchs, and we found out that George W Bush is born and grew up in New England and DC, which is far from here. Anyway they say the rest of Texas doesnt really like Austin. And Austin's motto is "keep Austin weird". We once again met great people here, and the "sofa people" is wonderful, that's why we don't find time to update the blog. Here too the weather is so warm.
-Tomorrow we leave heading to Santa Fe in New Mexico, where we're gonna spend the christmas in a real hotel, and don't worry, there it's gonna be cold like 0°C cold. I guess now you're wondering what's the motto of Santa Fe, I'm gonna tell you, it's "the city different", so we hope that's gonna be interesting too.
-Now I'm going cause two more couchsurfers just arrived at Joshua's (our host) place, and they're in the other room.
Enjoy whatever you're up to (godetevi qualsiasi cosa stiate facendo, non so bene come si dice)
Peter Galgan

Friday, December 14, 2007

Post Scriptum

Oh, and for everyones information... this is my blog so I can write wherever I friggin want to, OK!!!!!!
(pietro says he doesnt understand what I mean, so I will explain, for the italians... I can write in the comments if I want... ;o)
And as we are here making precisations, unfairying common places (sfatando luoghi comuni):
1) the camera didn't break when cause we dropped it, it broke 10 days later!
2) you don't have to comment the posts in the same language, you can actually choose the language to use yourselves. We do appreciate everyone trying to comment in the same language, it's only that a lot of people seem to considere unfair the unwritten unexsistent law.
(E si fa così pe' ffa' polemica eh, in realtà siete splendidi e ci mancate molto e gioiamo ogni volta che qualcuno lascia un commento)=(Anyway, we love you all, and you are not losers)

more chicago

Well, there is a reason for the not so chatty pietro... we have been here for about 4 days now (I think, my sense of time is kinda out of wack by now) and we havnt really seen or done that much, for two reasons... one, I think the travelling is starting to catch up with us and we are getting a bit tired of always being out all day, (or maybe we are just lazy... I like to think of it as us being tired). and the second is because now we are starting the part of our journey that includes couch surfing (and therefore finding people to let us sleep on their couches) and hotels (for christmas... I dont think its nice to ask people to stay at their jouse for christmas), and so we have to spend a lot of time on the internet sending e-mails and searching for sheap deals (one of which is "hooters" in Las Vegas... only $27 per night)... I say we, but really I mean pietro, while I sat around trying not to get too bored, and watching loads of TV (simona... I just saw an episode of Smallville in which chloe can heal people with her hands, Lana and Clark kiss and Lex has cloned his dead younger brother!!!!!... I think I may have missed something!!!)

But we have done a few things... we saw the millenium park with the huge steel bean... ok I tried to download the photo of it... but I think my downloading all the heroes and greys anatomy episodes (obviuosly only for bus rides!!!!) has kinda filled up pietro's computer... so now with only 200Mb to spare it is freaking out just a little bit... anyway, who needs pictures right?!!!!

So another thing we did was go see the free chicago zoo!!!!! it was great!!! one of the few zoo's i've ever been to (if you dont count the farm animals zoo in Iceland... which of course is very interesting... but gets a bit old!!!), we saw loads of cool animals that i've never heard of before (one of which was a strange mix between a small kangaroo and a goat!!!!!!!) and some that I thought only existed in kids books... like an armadillo, and an ant eater.

We went to a Bulls game!!!!!! (chicagi bulls NBA for those of you who dont know... shame on you!!!) It was really cool!!!!!!! a bit scary though... it was exactly like in the movies and in the halftimes they had music, and performances, and half naked cheerleaders... and fireworks and stuff... and because the bulls won (amazing!!!!!) with more than 100 points we all got offered a free Big Mac (which me and pietro kindly donated to a bum this morning... he didnt seem too impressed!!!)

We also whent to the sears tower today!!!!!!!! How cool, the only just not the tallest building in the world!!!!!! anyway, after seeing a really long film on the amazingness of the building, and after putting all our metal objects on the tray, and please walking through the metal detector (which by the way they do fucking everywhere!!!!!!!! next thing you know and they will be asking you to do it when you go to the supermarket!!!!!!!) we finally get up to the top floor (110) and WOW!!!!!!!! FOG!!!!!!!!!! we could see at least 3 cm in front of the glass!!!!!! it was amazing!!!!!!!!! actually, no, I lie... we could see the street below... but only just!!!! so anyway, for our $13 a piece we got to see some splendid chicagan fog!!!!! what a deal... to make ourselves feel better we whent shopping (well, I whent shopping and the boys very kindly pretended not to be too bored), but i didnt get anything because the whole time I was thinking "no, I cant shop for me, I have to get presents... and anyway I have no space" obviuosly I didnt get any presents either coz I just couldnt find the "right one" although according to all the adds all over the place every store has "the perfect thing for christmas"... I guess it must be me, sorry guys!!! oh and we also found out that it costs about $90 to send a package to Italy from here... who knows how much it costs to iceland... the thought scares me!!!!!

anyway, gotta go, we have decided to venture out into the chicagen nightlife, searching for a bar that will let me in (damn stupid drinking limit law!!!!!!!!)
love you all... we will try to put some photo's as soon as we can


P.S. dad, your Italian was great!!!!! we didnt understand anything but way to go instant internet translator!!!!!! 


For the italians: to be pronounced "scicago" and not "ci cago"

Fuck that, I just deleted accidentally the other 4 pics. It's really a tough work to upload these pics, you can't imagine...
As common in this kind of situations, I can't be bothered to do it again. Nevermind, they weren't that good. You will see my brother wearing a big red chicagobulls-fan foam finger (il ditone di gommapiuma da vero fan americano) some other time...

Saturday, December 8, 2007

tutti aggonghindati

Pittsburgh, casa di Guido e Margot, ore 15

Salve a tutti gli italofoni, salve anche agli altri ma tanto e un vu capite...oggi finalmente s'è dormito fino a mezzogiorno, e iniziava a essere un bel po'. Che martedì ci siam svegliati presto per prendere il bus da washington a pittsburgh, mercoledì ci siam svegliati presto (le 9) per vedere pittsburgh sotto un luminoso manto di neve che la rendeva la città più bella, anche se usare la neve è un po' barare, giovedì ci siam svegliati prestissimo (le 8) per andare a vedere nientepopodimenoche le fantomatiche Cascate Di'NNiagara (quelle 4 ore di bus e 2 ore di attesa coincidenza più altri 50 minuti di bus urbano ci hanno un po' penalizzato), e venerdì ci siamo svegliati prestissimissimo (le 6.45!) per prendere il bus per tornare a pittsburgh pensilvenia (arrivo 10 ore dopo la sveglia per la cronaca). Il piano iniziale prevedeva che oggi ci si svegliava prestissimerrimo per prendere il bus e andare a chicago (dalle 10 alle 13 ore di bus, a seconda), ma s'è deciso: "cuccù" e siamo rimasti qua a fare un giorno di pigraggine diffusa domestica.
Washington non m'è piaciuta molto, ma nonostante ci siamo stati 4 notti, non ce la siamo vista poi tanto, quindi per tutti i washingtonesi che stanno leggendo, tranquilli. il primo giorno siamo arrivati di sera e siamo stati in questo ostello super fricchettone, il secondo non senza fatica ci siamo trasferiti dalla hope, amica mamma yv, e abbiamo optato per un dì di relax (non senza fatica perchè una delle caratteristiche dell'ostello fricchettone è infatti la presenza di un receptionist un po' tanto scoppiato, che vaga per l'ostello (essente in realtà una casa) in toni (you know the tony, the typical sport suit) verde oliva con gli infradito e un calzino si e uno no segnando in quali letti c'era qualcuno e in quali no su un quaderno, ed andando in paranoia quando si cercava di fargli capire che si era sì in tre, ma si era dormito in soli due letti, e che un paio di lenzuoli e un si erano usati, andando in paranoissima quando si chiede se va bene finire la colazione prima di spostare i bagagli, ed in superparanoia quando gli si dice che si è cambiato idea e si va via dall'ostello), il terzo e il quarto giorno si è un po' vagato per il centro di washington, ma le condizioni metereologiche erano avverse (prima pioggia, poi bufera di vento), e non ce lo siamo proprio goduti. ci sono un sacco di musei super pregi a ufo (troppi per due giorni di visita, noi s'è visto uno di arte dove c'erano un sacco di impressionisti famosi ed un'esposizione su Turner ed il giardino botanico mentre si aspettava il nostro turno per il parlamento), poi c'è il parlamento ammerigano (manca poco ci passano il metal detector anche su per il-ehm, le camere per la cronaca non si possono visitare così su du piedi, però ci hanno fatto vedere varie stanze piene di statue-ogni stato manda le statue dei suoi personaggi più illustri-, ed il masterpiece, il quadro sul soffitto chiamato "L'apoteosi di Washington", in cui c'è George Washington che viene assunto in cielo), poi c'è la casa bianca, poi ci sono dei mausolei imponenti e brutti tipo stalinismo spinto in memoria della libertà conquistata nel mondo grazie alla seconda guerra mondiale, conquistata dai neri grazie ad abramo lincoln, e altri mausolei in onore di Veri Americani, però se c'è la bufera non è proprio piacevole vagare tra mega palazzoni imponenti e grigi. E l'yv aveva tutto il tempo paura che ci sparassero/arrestassero se facevo sketch. In compenso a casa di Hope e Halle siamo stati benissimo. In compensenso si doveva fare 40 minuti minimo di mezzi pubblici per andare in centro...
Poi s'è preso il bus e siamo venuti a pittsburgh, (altre 6 ore di bus?), e ci siamo svegliati che c'era la neve. Il centro è piccolo e ci sono un sacco di musei. Noi s'è visto Bodies un'esposizione fatta con veri corpi umani aperti smembrati e tipo solidificati grazie a qualche cosa biotecnologica (elisa, camilla, simona, grazie) e si vedeva tutti gli organi, e mi sono molto appassionato alla causa del fegato, del metatarso e dei tizi spellati e plastificati, e s'è visto il Warhol Museum (Andy Warhol era di Pittsburgh), che mi ha un po' basito ma era interessante.
Poi siamo andati alle cascate del Niagara, che sono proprio Il confine tra USA e Canada, e su ogni sponda c'è un paese che si chiama Niagara Falls, e si confondono, e fa un freddo della madonna. In realtà le cascate di giorno non le abbiamo mai viste, perchè siamo arrivati al tramonto e partiti all'alba. Il nostro lato del paese, USA, era sfigatissimo, tutto buio e con un sacco di negozi chiusi e case in vendita, hotels finti-figo, deserto alle 5 di pomeriggio, e l'unica costruzione luminosa e colorata era, ovviamente, un casinò. Sarà la bassa stagione turistica, s'è detto, però anvedi come luccica il lato canadese! Allora noi s'è attraversato il Rainbow Bridge (ma che bei nomi danno alle cose qua) e siamo andati nell'invitante e luminescente canadian side, dove, pperò, era pure tutto deserto, ovviamente ghiacciato, tranne che per una via piena di sale giochi e fast food aperti, ma deserti, s'è mangiato in un ristorante vuoto, di scarsa qualità, lussuoso-kitsch e costoso (dove però l'yv poteva bere e s'è ordinato del vino, viva il canada), s'è di nuovo vagato e siamo tornati nel nostro side. Le cascate erano proprio grosse, però di notte le illuminano di tutti i colori e diventano un po' kitsch, come se prendi uno squalo e lo vesti da babbo natale.
Altre cose notevoli:
-martedì sveglia alle 3 e mezzo DI NOTTE per prendere il bus presto da Washington, e il taxi che ci deve portare al bus terminal non viene. Alle 5 si torna a letto e si prende il bus tardi.
-prenotazione albergo super figo a soli 60 dollari da internet a niagara falls, e poi oltre che introvabile era più trash di un ostello trash, però la piscina c'era davvero. Solo che noi non ci s'era ricordati di portare il costume. Bagno in mutande per principio.
Ora basta scrivere, metto un po' di foto che è meglio. s'è pure fatto filmini simpaticatici, ma vi si risparmiano.
Per ora.
Post Scriptums:
-to the icelanders: you can ask irene for the translation. Irene please be precise.
-to other english speaking people lacking a translator: washington is ok but it was cold, niagara falls was scary (the town) and disorientating (the mighty waterfalls with cute coloured lights on) and freezing. canada was metric but freezing. pittsburgh is snowy. We are ok. Yvonne is watching Heroes.
-to Hope+Halle+Elvis+Frida: hi!

Now the pictures, so you see I wasn't lying.

Fricchetton hostel: bachecs and seminterrate

Washington: White House and view of the Mall (il viale): in the first piano, the door, then my brother, then the mall, at the very end: the washington memorial, on its sides, the big fat grey buildings I was talking about.

Pittsburgh: overview by day and by night (ce voleva la descrizione)

Streets of Pittsburgh

Very traditional sights in the U.S: Sbarro and the newspaper boxes

Niagara falls: the border and the waterfalls (non tutte, mezze), on the back: the american side.

Saluti a tutti quanti!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

quick recap!!!

Hey Ho everyone!

We are currently in Washington DC, our last night at Hope and Halli's house... it is 9:45 and we are leaving for pittsburgh at 4am tomorrow morning!!!!!
So, what have we been doing these past days... I wont tell you everything coz it'll take to long and it'll be pretty boring, but the highlights (if I remember).

Oh, very important... we were walking around N.Y. and I was taking pitures of the beautiful shop windows and all of a sudden the camera STOP WORKING!!!!!!!! shit, bollocks!! how could this happen to me, only 13 days after I bought it!!!! I soooo should have bought the more expensive one, cheap piece of "£$%&/($£... and to make matters worse, the next day was the last day in new york!!!!! ok, deep breaths... everything will be ok!!!!! So the next day we go back to the store where I got it with most of the stuff that came with it (obviously I had thrown away the box... something I will never again do!!!!!!!) and we go in and stand in line... my turn "hello m'am, how may I help you?", "yes, Hi, I bought this camera and now it wont turn itself on, i dont know what happened" (obviously not telling her that I had actually dropped it once... but it was a short fall... probably not the reason for its malfunction). Ok, well please wait while our techician checks it out... ok, no prob. La la la, about 30min later the lady comes over to me and tells me that they will change it for me, I have everything with me right??? yes, ofcours, everything... ok, "and you have the box??" ummmmmmmmmm...... maybe not... is that a problem????? "m'am, Im sorry but it says on the reciept (that pietro made me keep... thank you sooooo much pietro i love you!!!!!) that withought the box you cant return it!!!" (trying to hold back very real tears!!!) "but, I only just bought it, and it was a gift, please, I will pay for the box, I dont need another box... who cares about a stupid BOX!!!!! is there nothing you can do??????(eyes glistening with tears!!!!!) I think the poor girl felt sorry for me (and so she bloody well should, I felt very sorry for me!!!) and so se said she would deal with it, and voila!!!! new camera!!!!!!! beautiful camera!!!!! Im so happy, so you should all be thanking this very pretty and nice girl in some shop in new york that the blog isnt back to being boring and without photos!!!!!
.....Pietro thinks the camera died coz of the photos I was taking, i disagree, and ill let you be the judge!!!! it is a photo of a woman dancing with a man with a crocodile's head

hmmmm, pietro told you all about stomp, that was great, and after that we got back to the hostel (still in new york here) and in the kitchen there were some people chatting, so being the social people that we are we sat down and started chatting too... after about 20min of chatting one of the girls says "oh yeah, its pretty expensive, but not as expensive as Iceland"!!!!!! "what, have you been to Iceland?????!!!! when?????" and she says "no, we are from there"!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA can you imagine, there are bloody 300000 of us and then I randomly met two of them in a random hostel in new york!!!!!!that was soooo cool!!!!
Anyway, next day we get up traumatically early (7am) to catch the the bus to philadelphia for a day of walking around and then a second bus to DC. so anyway we arrive in Philly with our huge big backpacks on our shoulders, ready to stash them somewhere and have a great day of exploring, only to find out that after the 9/11 attack there are no lockers available anywhere in the whole city!!!!!!!! so after getting very sad and desparate a kindly woman tells us that for a small price of $12 we can buy a ticket in the "constitution centre" (a museum on the american constitution) and leave our baggage in the cloakroom for the whole day!!!!! great idea. so we do and we set off!!! "what interesting things are there to see in philly" you might ask yourself... well... ummmmmm... there are about 100 different things to see if you are interested in the american declaration of indipendence and the constitution and that (which I was... for the first 2 hours...but then it kinda gets old!!!!!) and then that is about it!!!! they are really proud of having been the capital of the US and well... good for them, but guys get over it!!!!! (pietro and filippo enjoyed it... or so they say, but I think its just coz they want to be contrary).

Anyway, we arrived at DC at around 11pm and Hope had booked us a room in a hostel a little out of the centre of washington... we got there and found this really great place... loads of people just chilling, the owner there chatting with the clients (in the morning there was another guy that I think was either very high, or he used to get very high and kinda fried his brain a bit!!!!!) and me and pietro thought "oh my god... we have found our vocation!!!!!"

ummm, i just realised that the photo's for this new part of the journey are still on the camera, and it is upstairs... and I cant be bothered to go get it, so once again you will have to wait....

take care all, till next time!!!


Saturday, December 1, 2007


We keep piling up pictures that we want to upload, but actually we get far and far and far behind. For example, now I'm uploading pictures from last saturday (one week ago), when we went to see this christmas parade in the town next to Lakeville, while still you actually never saw the pics we took in New York when we were there with Filippo...

Painter's studio (Dan's), actor impersonating one guy from the first group of pilgrims in north america in the open air museum

our little new post!

Ok, well, after a tough day travelling (I will relate that later) we arrive in Washington DC at about midnight and decide that it is pasta time, and that seeing as everyone has now asked us for a map we will quickly add one and then write loads of interesting comments about the last few days... 2 hours later we are no where, we are effing and cursing the computer and the internet because for some reason the bloody map wont bloody get on our bloody blog, so to take our minds off it we decide to download some photos while we think of what to do about the map... we download the photos but pietro unplugges the camera 2 seconds before the process is finished... "Oh shit all the photos are lost!!!! you little impatient bugger!!!!" "bugger it, the computer is your thing, im going to sleep!!!!!!" (I am about to tell pietro and storm off) when low and behold the blog is up and all the million times we tried (and seemingly failed) to add the map we actually did add it... hehehe, so now we have 300maps on the blog and no photos!!!!! ok, well, cutting a very long story short we found the photos in some strange place somewhere (dont ask me where) and we deleted most of the maps, and now it is 2am and we are tired, so you will have to wait for a real update on our movements and you better all enjoy that map!!!!! I want lots of comments on how great it is!!!!!

Love you all


I confirm everything. Only I didn't know she was about to send me to that place. Ps the hostel is very nice.
