Saturday, December 1, 2007

our little new post!

Ok, well, after a tough day travelling (I will relate that later) we arrive in Washington DC at about midnight and decide that it is pasta time, and that seeing as everyone has now asked us for a map we will quickly add one and then write loads of interesting comments about the last few days... 2 hours later we are no where, we are effing and cursing the computer and the internet because for some reason the bloody map wont bloody get on our bloody blog, so to take our minds off it we decide to download some photos while we think of what to do about the map... we download the photos but pietro unplugges the camera 2 seconds before the process is finished... "Oh shit all the photos are lost!!!! you little impatient bugger!!!!" "bugger it, the computer is your thing, im going to sleep!!!!!!" (I am about to tell pietro and storm off) when low and behold the blog is up and all the million times we tried (and seemingly failed) to add the map we actually did add it... hehehe, so now we have 300maps on the blog and no photos!!!!! ok, well, cutting a very long story short we found the photos in some strange place somewhere (dont ask me where) and we deleted most of the maps, and now it is 2am and we are tired, so you will have to wait for a real update on our movements and you better all enjoy that map!!!!! I want lots of comments on how great it is!!!!!

Love you all


I confirm everything. Only I didn't know she was about to send me to that place. Ps the hostel is very nice.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

kisses to you all

Anonymous said...

thanks for the studierò bene e poi finalmente comincerò a capire sul serio tutti i vostri mille rigirii...lots of love my friend...
un bacinu....