Tuesday, December 4, 2007

quick recap!!!

Hey Ho everyone!

We are currently in Washington DC, our last night at Hope and Halli's house... it is 9:45 and we are leaving for pittsburgh at 4am tomorrow morning!!!!!
So, what have we been doing these past days... I wont tell you everything coz it'll take to long and it'll be pretty boring, but the highlights (if I remember).

Oh, very important... we were walking around N.Y. and I was taking pitures of the beautiful shop windows and all of a sudden the camera STOP WORKING!!!!!!!! shit, bollocks!! how could this happen to me, only 13 days after I bought it!!!! I soooo should have bought the more expensive one, cheap piece of "£$%&/($£... and to make matters worse, the next day was the last day in new york!!!!! ok, deep breaths... everything will be ok!!!!! So the next day we go back to the store where I got it with most of the stuff that came with it (obviously I had thrown away the box... something I will never again do!!!!!!!) and we go in and stand in line... my turn "hello m'am, how may I help you?", "yes, Hi, I bought this camera and now it wont turn itself on, i dont know what happened" (obviously not telling her that I had actually dropped it once... but it was a short fall... probably not the reason for its malfunction). Ok, well please wait while our techician checks it out... ok, no prob. La la la, about 30min later the lady comes over to me and tells me that they will change it for me, I have everything with me right??? yes, ofcours, everything... ok, "and you have the box??" ummmmmmmmmm...... maybe not... is that a problem????? "m'am, Im sorry but it says on the reciept (that pietro made me keep... thank you sooooo much pietro i love you!!!!!) that withought the box you cant return it!!!" (trying to hold back very real tears!!!) "but, I only just bought it, and it was a gift, please, I will pay for the box, I dont need another box... who cares about a stupid BOX!!!!! is there nothing you can do??????(eyes glistening with tears!!!!!) I think the poor girl felt sorry for me (and so she bloody well should, I felt very sorry for me!!!) and so se said she would deal with it, and voila!!!! new camera!!!!!!! beautiful camera!!!!! Im so happy, so you should all be thanking this very pretty and nice girl in some shop in new york that the blog isnt back to being boring and without photos!!!!!
.....Pietro thinks the camera died coz of the photos I was taking, i disagree, and ill let you be the judge!!!! it is a photo of a woman dancing with a man with a crocodile's head

hmmmm, pietro told you all about stomp, that was great, and after that we got back to the hostel (still in new york here) and in the kitchen there were some people chatting, so being the social people that we are we sat down and started chatting too... after about 20min of chatting one of the girls says "oh yeah, its pretty expensive, but not as expensive as Iceland"!!!!!! "what, have you been to Iceland?????!!!! when?????" and she says "no, we are from there"!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA can you imagine, there are bloody 300000 of us and then I randomly met two of them in a random hostel in new york!!!!!!that was soooo cool!!!!
Anyway, next day we get up traumatically early (7am) to catch the the bus to philadelphia for a day of walking around and then a second bus to DC. so anyway we arrive in Philly with our huge big backpacks on our shoulders, ready to stash them somewhere and have a great day of exploring, only to find out that after the 9/11 attack there are no lockers available anywhere in the whole city!!!!!!!! so after getting very sad and desparate a kindly woman tells us that for a small price of $12 we can buy a ticket in the "constitution centre" (a museum on the american constitution) and leave our baggage in the cloakroom for the whole day!!!!! great idea. so we do and we set off!!! "what interesting things are there to see in philly" you might ask yourself... well... ummmmmm... there are about 100 different things to see if you are interested in the american declaration of indipendence and the constitution and that (which I was... for the first 2 hours...but then it kinda gets old!!!!!) and then that is about it!!!! they are really proud of having been the capital of the US and well... good for them, but guys get over it!!!!! (pietro and filippo enjoyed it... or so they say, but I think its just coz they want to be contrary).

Anyway, we arrived at DC at around 11pm and Hope had booked us a room in a hostel a little out of the centre of washington... we got there and found this really great place... loads of people just chilling, the owner there chatting with the clients (in the morning there was another guy that I think was either very high, or he used to get very high and kinda fried his brain a bit!!!!!) and me and pietro thought "oh my god... we have found our vocation!!!!!"

ummm, i just realised that the photo's for this new part of the journey are still on the camera, and it is upstairs... and I cant be bothered to go get it, so once again you will have to wait....

take care all, till next time!!!



Anonymous said...

un bacio di fretta amicici...
I love you...


Dóra said...

I dont understand the vocation part...do you mean that your vocation is to open up a hostel where you can lounge about and chit chat to random people all day? Yeah, good luck with that one Miss I'm gonna change the world :p
Meanwhile, Iceland's shitty as ever and I cant wait to get out of here. Over and out suckers.

Anonymous said...

I really like the way you tell your tales, maybe you should consider creative writing rather then a scientist study! One can change a lot with words. It´s really wintery here in Iceland and a little christmasy, decorations everywhere and even some smiles on passers bye. Have fun.

Unknown said...

Yvonne, you're a terrible person! Telling lies and using tricks you only should use when you want Pietro to do something!

Anonymous said...

What´s with all the commentators? Have people quit commenting? I think it´s time you wrote someting as well Pietro, we all want to hear both sides of every story. I miss all the comments. Come on Italiani, keep writing.........

Unknown said...

Il primo italiano che scrive a richiesta...

...I have to thank Y for teach us a lot o f real English, so next time we can say something more interesting than just "the pen is on the table"!!!

So, my friend, last night I was in SCasciano and I don't know who were in but from GPA cames out a lot of laugh...Piazza Pierozzi try to live without you!! There's even a big Xmas Tree under the Clock

P€, i regali per Fabio,Ricche,Giulia,Nonna,Tina,'anza si può dire che li procuri the from anywhere in the World?!?

Kisses to Y

Anonymous said...

lie? me? never!!!!!!!

Bacio anche a te cucciolina

yes, the vocation was to open a hostel somewhere in the world, but you never know, we mght find somethiing else that grabs our fancy.

thank you giorgio for the kiss.

Letizia said...

An hostel? Maybe in Piazzapierozzi? So that's something you've already done in GPA...

Anonymous said...

here i'm again with myspecial and bestially macaronic inglish...

sorry my beautiful travellers but recently i have had study a multitude of subjects...here in italy...specially at the enology's university it's exams time...
hey! there's a news!
no, no, i don't find the cenerentola or the beautiful girl with broun hair and green eyes...no, don't worry i'm already
I pick the occasion in order to say who my number is... no, my mail is
now all the girl know contact me...
last week we have gone to the flog...(sorry peter but we lost the alborosie live performance...next) the formation was
me D.A.D.E. Pietro(Garlazzi) and Cesco...
to make it short..during the pogo D.A.D.E. run against to me and with his elbow hit my rib and now i've some (i hope one)rips fractured... but don't worry...during the same crazy night D.A.D.E. crushed himself vertebra...we hope not...

sorry this is only a few part of all that who append in san casciano...you would want to return behind after to have felt these news... but you must end the turn!
I do not ask to you as been because from the blog I understand that been well...

recipe of the day

how to cook the famous and inimitable
Place the steak on the grill and keep over the fire for 5 minutes until a nice crust is formed. Turn it over and repeat on the other side.
Season with salt and pepper (better to use freshly ground pepper) and serve at once...

good apetite
good proseguo of travel....

Anonymous said...

stasera vado a vedere i mum.....!!!

Marchino said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marchino said...

we piero! Paola and Delcentina are still asking to me about u. During the test La Delcentina said me samething like - Do your brother still play bass? or Can u remember me your brother's name?...
Paola is really happy about your trip and she saids me to say hi to u two

azz, ma perche si è cancellato?