Friday, January 25, 2008

For the joy of slow internet users

After days and days of hard work, finally for you the San Francisco Dossier. Enjoy abundantly, and be satisfied. Fiji will come in a few weeks.'ll see it when we come back alright? (I joke)

Our lovely San Francisco friends and hosts

Beautiful artistic photos of the pacific ocean
with traditional american landmarks (golden gate bridge and hoola hoop)

other artistic pictures, urban ones

the bright (friendship pictures) and the dark (giant seaweed injures) side of a beach day

decorating San Francisco

Regina Miami or Virgin Mary? And, more importantly, Frida or Roselli???

Golden Gate park and the Palace of fine arts

The hilliness of San Francisco stumped us

Beliefs mixture

no comment

Perfect house for mamma Linda & Japanese Tea Garden

From Emmanuel's place's roof.

Hilliness, more.

And more.

When we arrived we used the excuse that it was raining to stay inside and rest for two days, only to find out later that we had escaped a major storm resulting in the loss of the lives of many trees (if you don't believe us, we have more pictures. By the way, we also have more pictures of SF's hilliness).


Unknown said...

uah, primo!
anche i lenti usufruori di internet vedono le immagini,
anche se ci mettono una vita...

Anonymous said...

ma siete già in australia? ci sono rimasta malissimo, non me l'aspettavo proprio!!
quanto vi invidio!!
ultimamente sto iniziando a pensare alla vostra mancanza, sarà che è un noiosissimo periodo di studio ( ripagato per adesso con un bel 30...attendiamo altri 2 esami), che qui è ancora inverno...non so!!!

- ma la parola "skyblablabla" nell'altro post voleva dire cacaiola?

- come è essere in viaggio da così tanto tempo?? non vi sentite figli della terra???

a lot of kisses crazy friends..

ps.-how is australian english?

Anonymous said...

You´re right about that house, I love it, I can just see myself giving consultations with my tarrot cards in the nice garden next to it (the garden comes with it I hope).

Nice pictures, all of them, looks like you have had loads of fun on your travels.

It´s snowy and freezing here, very bad weather expected, minus 15 I heard on the news. I´m sure you are all jealous of that. We are being asked to cover our faces when going out so our noses don´t freeze and fall off (no joke there).

Lots of love

Unknown said...

Possibile che ancora nessuno abbia chiesto in che verso gira lo sciacquone?!?

Anonymous said...

oh no!
The text was all in weird colors, so I tried to get it right and now all the pics on the right don't enlarge when clicked.
technology today...

for burls:
-si, skiuear era la cacaiola secondo il leo, and I find it extremely funny che in english vuol dire "abbigliamento da sci"...

for giorgs:
-a dire il vero dadone ce l'ha chiesto ieri, pero' con enorme rammarico abbiamo scoperto che nella casa dove stiamo per ora l'acqua nel cesso va giu' tutta pari senza girare...seguiranno aggiornamenti.

Dóra said...

Lovely pictures! San Fran looks like fun, very colourful and bohem. You guys must've fit right in like a splinter in an ass! Doesn't translate so well into english...

Anonymous said...

yay! we're finally on here! and i have no fricking clue what everyone else is saying because obviously i dont know italian..oh well. i especially love the picture of pietro's bitch-slap mark from the kelp (although it is not very clear in the picture). keep on rockin the free world. love from san francisco,


Anonymous said...

oh and i think you both missed the storm of a lifetime just yesterday-the wind was howling, the ocean was roaring and the tea kettle was a'whistlin along. it was a grand day to be sure

Yve said...

give up that stuff cate!

Anonymous said...

Breaking news.. Ci ha lasciati una grande amica che sicuramente era cara a molti frequentatori di questo blog: la Panda di casa Galgani! Io l'ho accompagnata all'ultimo viaggio (con dovizia di lacrime) e l'ho salutata degnamente anche da parte vostra, ricordando tutti i momenti salienti della nostra vita con lei. Mai la dimenticheremo!

Unknown said...

Italy 1 Denmark 1 , but with a bigger margin, and dont think for a moment im taking this too seriously, cause it was just luck I assure you,,,hum heh doodle doo
Lots of love and have a swim outside for we, greet the big thing in the sky etc...its snowing outside,,,very pretty
