Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Our plan

We are driving as far north as possible as quickly as possible, until we meet the sun, the rain is following us from south...updates coming soon.

The plan for our last three weeks is starting to take form, around the three firm points of 1) enjoying the sun 2)seeing a platypus and as many kangaroos as possible (we saw wild ones today, and plenty of dead ones on the highway) 3)getting to Darwin.

Here are some old videos:


Anonymous said...

OK. So NOW I get the pigs in NZ!!!

Yve said...

We're still alive, in north queensland. it's very warm, but its been raining the last few days. we've been relaxing on beaches and then driving and stopping by at the sights (some). Tomorrow we're gonna start heading west, so jenny you're gonna receive a phone call...

Yve said...

as if anyone was wondering if we were (alive)

Anonymous said...

Well, I care!!!

Safe journey kids.