Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Australia Day

(1 month later: Australia day is the 25th of january)
For those who don't know, the basic features of Australia Day are: sing the anthem, eat the food, meet the family. In this particular circumstance, playing cricket is also involved.
For those who don't know, the basic features of cricket are: throw the ball, hit the ball, run (like in baseball, but for some unknown reason australians think that baseball and cricket are completely different sports), while the rest of the team (indefinite amount of people, based on the amount of people in the family) talks, gets tan, drinks, eats, comment the game, spread through the field. Occasionally they are required to catch the ball, but they rarely do.

Sing the anthem:

Meet the family:

Eat food:

Play cricket:

Così la Simona sta buona per un po'.
Soon more exclusive pictures will arrive: us taking pictures of ourelves in front of the famous landmarks, the natural beauty of sydney, handfeeding the strange animals, our beautiful hosts, and much much more.
Coming soon, to a cinema near you. (hopefully not for christmas)


antonella4266 said...

Cariisimi aprire il vostro blog stamani è stata una fortissima emozione...vedere la famiglia riunita e soprattutto la signora Anna!
A great emotion in a foggy day (here in Sambuca)!
G'day and kisses from Antonella,Marco e Gemma
You are lovely and we miss you
Did you read my e-mail?

Dóra said...

what family is it?

Yve said...

It has been selected for us by the department of immigration.

(Reality: it's the family of my grandparents friends. Our gracious hosts, the Rollo family, were a fraction of it)

Anonymous said...

Piero you run like nonno Julian! (if he ran, cioè se corresse. Insomma, come correrebbe lui se corresse.)

Anonymous said...

firmato Letizia

Unknown said...

Second me, cricket is so: P€ and Yv are in the middle running random and everyone take them for the ass...

Verso il 15 marzo siete a Melbourne?!? Mi fate una foto con un qualcosa con scritto Formula!?!?

Anonymous said...

amici...cavolo,sentire la vostra voce nei video è qualcosa di stranissimo...ho finito ora la mia sessione di esami...jesus che liberazione...tre 30 e due 30 e lode...mi stupisco del mio cervello...mi mancate...tanto e tanto...un bacio meraviglie
vi adoro ....ELSA

Unknown said...

Im impressed Yvonne, not only did you hit the ball but you didnt run P out,,???or did you.
Its nothing like baseball , careful you might choke on your next cup of tea, they are related you know, tea and cricket i mean.

Enjoy the great weather, its f,,.ing cold here

kisses from Denmark